Friday 28 March 2008

Bing Satellites on REBELRADIO.FM #10

Its.. Episode 10 of Bing Satellites on REBELRADIO.FM

Indie, Ambient, Krautrock and Shoegaze...

New music from Foals, Elysian Piers, Kurosawa and Poodleplay Arkestra
also Airiel, Susumu Yokota, Neu!, Daniel Land & The Modern Painters, Dog Faced Hermans..

plus live track from The Go! Team..

Listen/Download... Bing Satellites on REBELRADIO.FM #10

MADE IN MANCHESTER: March 28th 2008

Saturday 8 March 2008

Bing Satellites on REBELRADIO.FM #9

Episode 9 of Bing Satellites on REBELRADIO.FM an ambient journey into a weird and wonderful world of spaced out psychedelic experimentalism...

Featuring more musicial gems from Pere Ubu, Can, Kid Computer, Poodleplay Arkestra, Susumu Yokota, Xenotronic, Kurosawa and live music from Thomas Fehlmann...

Listen/Download... Bing Satellites on REBELRADIO.FM #9

MADE IN MANCHESTER: March 7th 2008